The ten-year system development plan
The Energy Agency Council of the Republic
Of Serbia at the session held on 21.
December 2023, made a decision on
giving consent to the Development Plan
of the gas pipeline transmission system "Transportgas Serbia" Ltd. for
the period 2022-2031.
By giving consent to the Development Plan
of the gas pipeline transmission system,
the Decision of the Assembly of "Transportgas Serbia" Ltd.
Novi Sad no. 01-02-2 /32-1 from 20.12.2023.
entered into force.
Plan razvoja transportnog gasovodnog sistema za period 2022-2031. godine
Odluka Saveta Agencije za energetiku Republike Srbije
Odluka Skupštine "Transporgas Srbija" d.o.o. Novi Sad
Plan razvoja transportnog gasovodnog sistema za period 2020-2029. godine
Odluka Saveta Agencije za energetiku Republike Srbije
Odluka Skupštine "Transportgas Srbija" d.o.o. Novi Sad